Johanna Pansera “The Magic of Choice” on The Erica Glessing Show #1075

The Erica Glessing Show show

Summary: <br> "Choice Creates" ~ Johanna Pansera<br> What if you knew that you always have a choice? And what if you knew that you didn’t have to figure out the right choice, the only correct choice the choice to rule them all. What if you knew that choice creates awareness, awareness does not create choice. Make a choice and gain awareness even if it is just to find out that didn’t work the way I thought. Then just choose again, and again and again… ~ Johanna Pansera You don’t have to agree with anything I write, don’t buy anything that doesn’t work for you. My only aim is to introduce a different possibility … to shift the perception of how it is or has to be. To give you the possibility of choosing for you, whatever that means to you.  <br> Johanna's website:<br>  <br> For an inspirational series of generative questions you can ask to ignite your life, enjoy three clearings for your business on this video of Erica!<br> <br>   Resources: <a href="">7-part Complimentary masterclass on building your book</a>  <br> <br> Beyond 8 minutes of daily inspiration, every Wednesday on The Erica Glessing Show, we feature "Wellness"!<br> <br> <br>   Erica's Note: The show is funded in part when you purchase products shown on these pages with affiliate links. Thank you so much (in advance) for clicking on them! <br>