Funny Business in the White House

It's Time To Talk & Act show

Summary: I’m Eric Crossley and in this episode, we will look at the latest polls on Donald Trump and ask how low he can go in popularity in the wake of his huge defeat with his pathetic attempt at overturning ObamaCare with TrumpCare. We will look further into the growing and disgusting Trump-Russia scandal as we explore more of the secret visit Rep. Nunes made to the White House to supposedly view intelligence files that he said showed improper spying activity against Trump. We look at the growing sentiment among Democrats and some Republicans that Nunes must step down as Chair of the House Intelligence Committee. Plus, Trump never learns and babbles more incoherent garbage in several tweets that nobody believes or really understands. Also, former VP Dick Cheney takes the side of our country and speaks out against Russian interference in the 2016 election as a possible “act of war.” All that and much more. Please join us!