Apologetics Conference May 20-21 List of Potential Topics

People of the Free Gift show

Summary: <br> <br> The importance of defining your terms<br> Is it a cult or not?<br> Mind Control and the Cults<br> Scripture Twisting and the Cults<br> Ancient Heresy, American Church History and the Cults<br> Overview of the 6 Tactics<br> “I’m a Christian Too!”<br> Why do Christians believe Jesus is God?<br> Have You Prayed about the Book of Mormon?<br> Communicating Grace to the Religious Mind<br> What would you expect from a book that claimed to be from God?<br> How do we know something really happened?<br> Evidence for the resurrection<br> Scientific insights in the Bible<br> Mr. &amp; Mrs. Flat<br> The Unity of the Bible<br> How to deal with claimed contradictions in the Bible<br> Will the real Bible please stand up? (Manuscript evidence)<br> What are the odds? (Prophecy)<br> What really happened at the council of nicea?<br> Trinity explained for Jehovah’s Witnesses<br> Did Christianity copy pagan religions?<br> Jesus is Better<br> <br> Apologetics Conference<br> May 20-21, 2017<br> Emmanuel Baptist Church<br> Roundup, Montana<br> Michael Boehm - Youth Apologetics Training<br> Jason Oakes - People of the Free Gift<br> Tom Iverson - Former Math Professor<br> A few other potential unconfirmed speakers<br> Absolutely FREE!<br>  <br>