Who are we? Identity politics dissected

Academy of Ideas show

Summary: <br> Listen to the debate from the Battle of Ideas 2016.<br> In recent years, more and more political and cultural discussions have been conducted through the prism of identity. Who we are, rather than what we do or believe, has become ever more important. But why has this happened and what are the implications?<br> The shift from the idea of a universal human outlook, born in the Enlightenment, appears to have become badly degraded. This historical trend is the focus of The Academy 2017, the Institute’s residential weekend of study and debate on 15 &amp; 16 July at Wyboston Lakes in Bedfordshire. Early Bird discounted tickets for the event are available until Monday 6 March. Find out more about the event and how to get tickets at <a href="http://instituteofideas.com/events/the_academy_2017">The Academy 2017 page</a>.<br> This Battle of Ideas debate from 2016 offers a flavour of some of the issues we’ll be discussing at The Academy.<br> SPEAKERS<br> Dr Julian Baggini<br> founding editor, the Philosophers’ Magazine; author, Freedom Regained: the possibility of free will and The Edge of Reason: A Rational Skeptic in an Irrational World<br> Ivan Hewett<br> chief music critic, Daily Telegraph; professor, Royal College of Music; broadcaster; author, Music: healing the rift<br> Sunder Katwala<br> director, British Future; former general secretary, Fabian Society<br> Professor Michele Moody-Adams<br> Joseph Strauss professor of political philosophy and legal theory, Columbia University; author, Fieldwork in Familiar Places: Morality, culture and philosophy<br>