60: Mark Lack on Shortening the Gap to Success

Life on Fire TV (Video) – Online Business Coaching With Nick Unsworth show

Summary: Entrepreneur and author of the book “Shorten the Gap”, Mark Lack, joins us today to share the secrets he’s already discovered by age 24 to success!<br> <br> Mark’s story has an interesting start.<br> <br> In his early teens he set a goal to become a world class paintball player and play on the top team in the world. Of course, his parents assumed it was another short-lived passion, but they supported his dream anyway.<br> <br> When he completed his career in paintball, he had done everything he set out to do. He was a world-class player, played on the top ranked team, and had won over $300,000 in prize money. He was at the top of that sport and couldn’t go any higher.<br> <br> In order to continue to pursue his path of growth, he naturally sought more…<br> <br> As luck would have hit, his father introduced him the concept and practice of personal development as he grew his paintball skills.<br> <br> At age 24, Mark has invested over half a million dollars in personal development, which continues to be his passion.<br> <br> His awareness and expertise with personal development is now at a point where he realizes that he can take it beyond just helping himself and now help others.<br> <br> One fantastic takeaway from Mark’s interview was this quote:<br> <br> “You behave and think congruently to the identity you hold for yourself.”<br> <br> Meaning, if you see yourself as successful and as a high achiever, then you will behave and act accordingly.<br> <br> Mark also has a great observation regarding limiting beliefs. <br> <br> All beliefs, limiting, empowering, or neutral are simply a high level of certainty about something, as Mark points out. That certainty is based on references in our past.<br> <br> Those references may be positive, such as an amazing accomplishment, or negative, such as being told you are “dumb”. The key is to not only be aware of the references but to control your focus on the positive references that are going to empower you.<br> <br> From there, we talk making connections with high-level influencers.<br> <br> Mark hits the nail on the head when he identified that you need to approach those individuals by adding value to them. Way too many people ask for help or a handout when they should, instead, look to see how they can add value to that person.<br> <br> The challenge this presented for Mark is that he wasn’t in a position at the time to add value to someone like Brian Tracy. However, he knew that he would be in that position in the future.<br> <br> So, his solution was to tie his value into the future and to get the person he wanted to connect with on board with is belief.<br> <br> Ultimately, it comes back to making the decision that you’re going to play a bigger game.<br> <br> Mark has honed his vision and decided that he wants to focus on helping young adults be successful, peak performers in life.<br> <br> For him, the personal development he’s done provided far more of an education and latter to success than his time spent at college and his teachings can be a supplement to the traditional higher education system.<br> <br> A great final takeaway from Mark is to find out that he wasn’t always confident, didn’t always have big beliefs, and a history of successes. He attributes all of his change to his focus on personal development.<br> <br> Therefore, no matter where you find yourself in life, you can always grow, improve, and see positive changes in yourself and your situation!<br> <br> Fired up by Mark’s story and passion? If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating!<br> <br> Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes! You’re amazing!