The Species Barrier #32 Laughing Gas

The Species Barrier Radio Show show

Summary: <br> Comedian, actor, writer and TV <br> presenter Simon Amstell joins us for a chat about fusing his vegan <br> ethics with his comedy. We also speak to members of Frack Free Lincs <br> after their Truth Behind The Dash for Gas screening in Lincoln.<br> <br> In the news 2014 was the hottest year on record, scientists move the <br> Doomsday Clock forward, journalist Chris Hedges on his veganism and as <br> America is predicted to have it's worst droughts in a 1000 years tens of<br> millions will starve as fertile land turns to dust bowls in China and <br> Africa also.<br> Welcome To The Species Barrier... where two vegan, environmentalists<br> <br> question how we interact with the planet and the other animals who call<br> <br> it home. Prepare to have your preconceptions challenged and explore that<br> <br> barrier in place which separates the human animal from other species.<br> Listen locally on Lincoln's first community radio station 107.3 Siren FM<br> <br> or internationally on the website at:<br> Subscribe on Itunes at:<br> Contact us:<br> <br>