Episode 8: Bandamanna Saga (The Saga of the Confederates)

Saga Thing show

Summary: <font>This time out, we've got the bitterly funny <em>Bandamanna Saga</em>, a much-beloved saga set in the mid-11th century<br> and centered around the corruption of Icelandic law by the rich and powerful<br> chieftains of that later age. The saga pits old money against the<br> nouveau riche against a backdrop of legal wrangling and murder. </font><div style="font-style: normal;"><img src="http://www.hurstwic.org/history/articles/daily_living/pix/viking_silver_coins.jpg" alt="viking_silver_coins.jpg"></div><div style="font-style: normal;"><font>Can Ofeig<br> Skiðason and his estranged son Odd Ofeigsson put aside their differences in<br> time to thwart the combined forces of eight of the most powerful men in<br> Iceland? What's Ospak Glumsson (grandson and namesake of the notorious outlaw<br> king of<span class="apple-converted-space"> </span><em><span>Eyrbyggja saga</span></em>) doing in this saga? Why do Thorarin of<br> Laugardal's servant laugh at him behind his back? And was there a second bowman<br> hidden in a grassy knoll as Hermund Illugason's band of men rode by? Learn the<br> answers to these questions and prepare your own judgments as you enjoy<span class="apple-converted-space"> </span><em><span>Bandamanna saga</span></em>--the saga of the Confederates!</font></div>