Episode 63- Shia Mobilization Frames and the War in Syria

The Loopcast show

Summary:  Christopher Anzalone (<a href="https://twitter.com/IbnSiqilli">@ibnsiqilli</a>) talks to me (<a href="https://twitter.com/rejectionking">@rejectionking</a>) about his latest paper in the CTC: "<a href="http://www.ctc.usma.edu/posts/zaynabs-guardians-the-emergence-of-shia-militias-in-syria">Zaynab's Guardians: The Emergence of Shi'a Militias in Syria</a>." In our discussion we talk about the media used by Shia militias to create mobilization frames including how religious imagery is meshed with political images, then we discuss how Sunni jihadists factor into these mobilization frames and end with a discussion on if the Syrian war can be thought of as a transnational "Shia Jihad." <br>