Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - 03.23.17

Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour show

Summary: THE FALL OF THE NUKE POWER INDUSTRY is welcomed in Solartopia as we talk with JIM GREEN in Australia.<br> <br> Our first “down-under” guest is the nuclear campaigner for Friends of the Earth and edits the NUCLEAR MONITOR for the NUCLEAR INFORMATION &amp; RESOURCE SERVICE.<br> <br> He fills us in on the current energy crisis in Australia and Elon Musk’s offer to solve it with a giant battery farm, a solution Jim Green basically dismisses.<br> <br> We then cover the thrilling demise of the global atomic power industry, starting with Fukushima and visiting the collective downfall of the American and European industries.<br> <br> We worry about China, Russia, India and South Korea.  But Jim’s in-depth understanding of the collapse of the Peaceful Atom gives us profound hope.