Silicon & Feds Square Off, Weekly News Awards

YOU TALKING TO ME? Malcolm Out Loud show

Summary: <br> In this corner we have the BIG BAD Washington political machine and in this corner we have Silicon Valley! Apple tells the FBI to go jump in a lake. And the FBI - quite puzzled over Apple’s unwillingness to crack open their proprietary phone - all in the name of national security! America, it’s time to get Out Loud with the Weekly Headline News Awards. This is Malcolm Out Loud.<br> <br> <br> We’ll do it ourselves thank you very much! The AWARD of Stupidity goes to…<br> Confronting terrorism on the front lines. The I Wanna Be Like Donald Trump AWARD goes to…<br> Every blue moon, the politicians get it right! ‘Protecting Mans Best Friend’ AWARD goes to…<br> We all know those famous words on our side-view mirrors in the car: ‘Objects in mirror are closer than they appear’ - what about the camera lens - might that be a distortion as well? The Just an Illusion AWARD goes to…<br> More than 70% of Americans Binge-Watch Their Favorite Television Shows. The ‘Couch-Potato' AWARD goes to…<br> Restoring Faith back to humanity, the The Good Guy AWARD goes to…<br> <br>