#89 - Dirty Laundry

Podcast from Italy: Ashley & Jason Bartner show

Summary: He fled the country!! The unbelievable true story of selling our cooking in Italy. Two days after all the documents and contracts <br> were signed at the notary (and legally binding), the “new owners” of La <br> Tavola Marche fled the country on a plane back to the good ol’ U.S of A.!!  They lasted 6 days in Italy. We were in total shock - not only did they leave without telling us but without paying either! It’s <br> the stuff movies are made of. Jason &amp; Ashley are back to share with you the trials, tribulations and joys &amp; laughter of running a farm, inn and cooking school in rural Le Marche. To read more about this crazy story visit our blog: http://latavolamarche.blogspot.it/2016/06/when-life-gives-you-lemonsmake-best.html<br> <br> <br>