So I Married A Movie Geek - Episode 78 - Beverly Hills Cop/Throw Momma from the Train

So I Married A Movie Geek show

Summary: Ever ridden on a train? Ever thought of throwing your mother off of one...? If you said 'no,' great - we can still be friends! But if you said 'yes,' we might have to get all Beverly Hills Cop on yo' punk ass! And it won't be pretty… I'm talking about bananas up the tailpipe, people. (Literally!) But whether you're of the murdering or bystanding persuasion, you should really listen on -- as we critically navigate the murky water surrounding this year's Oscar host hopefuls' past. Was Eddie Murphy funny, once upon a pre-Klumps time? Does Billy Crystal sit at home nowadays dreaming up ways to ressurect his career push the Oscar host down the stairs Showgirls style? All discussed in this week's podcast! That, and fecal transplants (they exist!), peeing in sweats (a urinal how-to), and adventures in profanity (Krissy gets mad)! This podcast should probably be rated 'R.' ;-}