Episode 80 - Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull/A.I. Artificial Intelligence

So I Married A Movie Geek show

Summary: SPIELBERG DOUBLE FEATURE, y'all! Yes, we're catching senioritis in terms of the holidays, we missed a early screening of War Horse and we decided to rectify that by exposing Krissy to a two-fer of The Steve's output from the Aughts: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) and A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001)! One Krissy almost fell asleep during (big surprise!) and the other's viewing was Justin's only 2nd time seeing it since the 1st time being one of the saddest movie-going experiences of his life. Ain't that a bucketful of smiles? You know what didn't make either of us smile in these 2 movies? The endings! WHAT IN THE WORLD??!?!?!? Am I right or am I right? We also discuss CGI that makes us want to die, LeBarf, Cate Blanchett's accent, the most indestructible fridge in history, not-hispanic quadruple crossers, Haley Joel Awesome?, kickass robotic bears ("It will break!"), Kubrickberg, douchey bros and much more! We might have even kept things PG! Just maybe.