Sweden under Scrutiny....

Europe Calling show

Summary: In January, the transgender support group Chrysallis launched an awareness campaign in northern Spain using the slogan: “There are girls with penises and boys with vulvas BRITS are being put off holidays in Spain by the pound’s drop in value. More than 40% of Britons will change their holiday plans because of the post-Brexit devaluation, according to data from travel insurer Columbus Direct. The city of Barcelona has begun taking down 367 commemorative plaques dating back to the Franco era and which were still on view in buildings across the districts of Gràcia and Nou Barris. Emilio Perez’s serious economic troubles have resulted in an intriguing business idea. The resident of Villapresente, a forest ranger and pinewood seller, hit rock bottom when he was unable to sell his trees due to low demand during the economic crisis. His solution was to build Spain’ s largest maze with his unsold trees.... A NIGHTCLUB in Spain has enraged feminist groups for offering free entry, drinks and €100 to women who ‘go commando’. .......Within twelve hours of my landing in Sweden, an asylum centre was burned down, arson suspected; a hand grenade was planted in a bin, either for the police or the mosque; and another hand grenade exploding, injuring one in Malmö...... Baroness Chakrabarti has been ridiculed after she wrongly blamed low turnout for Labour's humiliating defeat in Copeland....The shadow attorney general..insisted the leader was not responsible for the worst by-election performance since the war. Paedophiles should not face jail for looking at pornographic images of children unless they are a physical threat to youngsters, says Britain’s most senior child protection officer. Thousands of thugs who abuse their partners are able to avoid harsher sentences by agreeing to apologise and shake the hands of their victims under 'restorative justice' measures. The RAF has banned servicewomen from wearing skirts on parade so that transgender personnel don't feel excluded. The salary for politicians is set to go up by more than £1,000 from April next year to £76,011, the Commons pay watchdog has confirmed. Also, University chiefs are taking home an average of £277,834, while the highest individual deal reached £451,000. The number of people arriving in the UK from Bulgaria and Romania has risen significantly since the Brexit vote, new figures show. But figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) also reveal a 'statistically significant' rise in citizens from so-called EU8 nations British teachers struggle to inform youngsters about the correct use of colons and how to spell words such as ‘definitely’ because they do not have a good enough grasp of the basics themselves. Minicab drivers have denounced plans by Transport for London to introduce tests to prove they can speak English - which include questions on the Northern Lights and the 'problem of river pollution'. wearing no underwear. .