Brexit Article 50 Triggered

Europe Calling show

Summary: A woman with roots in Spain’s northwestern Galicia region was among those killed in the terrorist attack in London on Wednesday SPAIN has applauded Theresa May’s tough approach on Scottish independence. It comes after she told SNP’s Nicola Sturgeon that ‘now is not the time’ for a referendum on the issue. Indignation in southern European countries keeps growing following recent statements by the head of eurozone finance ministers,..... The fiscal gap in Spain’s pensions system is getting wider every year. Job creation has been growing at a rate of 3% over the past two years, and consequently so have Social Security affiliations....... Matador Antonio Romero who was the victim of a 1,160 bull named Caporal who gored him 11 inches deep in him rectal area Sunday in Mexico City, has given a 'thumbs up' from his hospital bed On May 15, 2011, Spain was convulsed by one of the most spectacular popular uprisings in its history. Spanish citizens had plenty to be disgruntled about: economic recession, ... ISIS has claimed responsibility for the Westminster attack which left four dead and dozens injured. Amber Rudd and Boris Johnson have warned that companies such as Google and Facebook are acting as a 'conduit' for murderous terrorists, .... A rape victim has backed a warning by the female judge presiding over her case that drunk women are putting themselves in danger. A disabled grandmother was beaten with a baseball bat and left with horrific injuries after her home was invaded by a gang of men The extent of bad behaviour in schools is being underestimated as heads try to cover up problems during inspections, a Government adviser has warned. England’s behaviour tsar, Tom Bennett.....