Developing a winning Culture the Zappos way!

Business901 show

Summary: My guest on the podcast <a href="">Joseph Michelli</a> takes you through the Zappos company culture now and maybe the future. Joseph’s latest book, <a href=";tag=business901-20&amp;link_code=as3&amp;camp=211189&amp;creative=373489&amp;creativeASIN=0071749586">The Zappos Experience: 5 Principles to Inspire, Engage, and WOW</a> has generated my interest on the relationship of employee and customer experience as demonstrated in my blog post, <a href="">Is Zappos the Next Toyota?</a>. We discussed this and the Zappos approach that Michelli breaks into five key elements:<br> <br> Serve a Perfect Fit—create bedrock company values <br> <br> Make it Effortlessly Swift—deliver a customer experience with ease <br> <br> Step into the Personal—connect with customers authentically <br> <br> S T R E T C H—grow people and products <br> <br> Play to Win—play hard, work harder <br> <br> <br> <br> Against all odds this online business (known primarily for selling shoes in a playful and emotionally engaging ways) has revolutionized social media strategies, developed an environment which has earned it a consistent spot in the top ten of Fortune Magazine’s best places to work, created zealous fans, and attracted as a purchaser for more than 1.2 billion dollars. It’s time to integrate (not balance) work and fun. It’s time to benefit from the unique and effective customer employee and customer engagement techniques of Zappos! <br> <br> Joseph A. Michelli, Ph.D., is an internationally sought-after speaker, author, and organizational consultant who transfers his knowledge of exceptional business practices in ways that develop joyful and productive workplaces with a focus on the total customer experience. His insights encourage leaders and frontline workers to grow and invest passionately in all aspects of their lives. Dr. Michelli has been recognized by Focus as “one of the top five Customer Service Influencers to Track in 2011.” <br> <br> Related Information: <br> <br> <a href="">What is your iCustomer Level?</a> <br> <br> <a href="">Does the Customer Experience mimic the Employee Experience?</a> <br> <br> <a href="">When Efficiencies and Innovation no longer work, is Customer Centricity the answer?</a> <br> <br> <a href="">Job-Centric Innovation is Rethinking Customer Needs</a>