Voices Matter: Are you helping the situation?

Business901 show

Summary: <br> Everyone is talking about conversations but are we really having them? Are 90% of conversations incorporated in 140 <br> characters or thinking of the latest sound bite to get our message across? In <br> Russ Unger’s new book, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321886720/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&amp;camp=211189&amp;creative=373489&amp;creativeASIN=0321886720&amp;link_code=as3&amp;tag=business901-20">Designing the Conversation: Techniques for Successful Facilitation (Voices That Matter)</a> he discusses the ability to communicate and the practice of setting <br> up the conversation to make it productive. Stephen Anderson sums up the <br> book: <br> <br> A book on facilitation? I wouldn't have thought this was needed, but after <br> reading Designing the Conversation, I'm reminded of all the valuable skills we <br> learn—with some difficulty, mind you—on our own. Fortunately, all that stuff is <br> covered here, from preparing for a session to handling the difficult <br> personalities. And it's all delivered in a way that's short, to the point, and <br> packed with plenty of pop culture references, making this a fun, lively read! <br> You'll grin at uncomfortably familiar situations and nod in agreement as bits of <br> invaluable advice are served in style through every <br> chapter.<br> <br> <br> I enjoyed the book as much Stephen did and almost as much as Russ’s first <br> book, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321815386/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&amp;camp=211189&amp;creative=373489&amp;creativeASIN=0321815386&amp;link_code=as3&amp;tag=business901-20">A Project Guide to UX Design: For user experience designers in the field or in the making (2nd Edition) (Voices That Matter)</a>.  <br> Russ Unger is a user experience consultant and is on the <br> Advisory Board for the Department of Web Design and Development at Harrington <br> College of Design. His workshops have been attended by a variety of <br> companies, from lean startups to large corporations. Since 1993 he has helped <br> many companies incorporate user experience strategies and tactics into their <br> designs. You can find Russ at <a href="http://userglue.com">http://userglue.com</a>. <br>