Want Employee Engagement? Zero in on changing Attitude and Beliefs

Business901 show

Summary: Eric Michrowski says in the podcast, "This is where the <br> psychology comes into is, the attitudes and their beliefs of the team <br> member drive the behaviors, and the behaviors drive the results. You <br> can’t hammer in behaviors, you got to start zeroing in on the attitudes <br> and beliefs, and that’s really also linked to employee engagement so <br> that’s where all the elements around “How do I lead, how do I go about <br> telling it” and appreciate the team members that I have start really <br> shifting which is also why at every intervention or activity that we do, <br> the first metric to dramatically shift is around employee engagement. <br> The others are either side effects of employee engagement or direct <br> contribution of what you’re doing. I mean it’s well-documented from <br> research boiling down to that if you start impacting engagement, you’d <br> get some whopping impact on absenteeism, on turnover, on things such as <br> safety incidents, in terms quality outcomes, but also productivity, <br> profitability and customer experience."<br> <br> Eric Michrowski is a globally recognized leader in combining <br> Human Performance, Operational Excellence and Process Improvement to <br> drive Business Transformations that achieve substantial shifts in <br> Customer Experience, Operational Reliability, Employee Engagement and <br> Financial Performance.   Combining elements of Organizational <br> Development and Change Management, his approach is anchored in over 15 <br> years of hands-on experience in a blend of Operations Management and <br> Management Consulting roles across Financial Services, <br> Telecommunications/IT, Airlines and Logistics.<br> <br> In addition to leading operational portfolios, transformational programs <br> and consulting teams, his experience ranges from leading a highly <br> successful business turnaround in Investment Banking, leading a large <br> safety portfolio through a material reduction in injury rates and key <br> post-merger integration functions.  He has led professional services <br> teams of nearly 100 and operational teams of over 600 while consistently <br> achieving top employee engagement scores.  He is a highly sought after <br> public speaker, conference chair and Executive speaker on the global <br> scene and has received several international awards both personally and <br> for the teams he has led including Top Global Deployment Leader in <br> Process Excellence (2012), Top 10 Best Places to Work in Process <br> Excellence (2010), Honourable Mention for Best Process Excellence <br> Deployment (2013). Eric can be found at <a href="http://www.ericmichrowski.com">EricMichrowski</a>.com.<br> <br> <a href="http://business901.com/e-books/lean-engagement-team/">Lean Engagement Team (More Info):</a> The ability to share and create knowledge with your customer is the strongest marketing tool possible.<br> <br> Lean Sales and Marketing: <a href="http://business901.com/cap-do/">Learn about using CAP-Do</a><br> <br>