Applying the 7 KATA to Knowledge Work

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Summary: Shingo Prize winning author, <a href="">Conrad Soltero</a>. Conrad won the Shingo Prize as the principal author of <a href=";camp=211189&amp;creative=373489&amp;creativeASIN=1439880778&amp;link_code=as3&amp;tag=business901-20&amp;linkId=3JHGKQ463LWNCUYV">The 7 Kata: Toyota Kata, TWI, and Lean Training.</a> It was published in 2012 by Productivity Press. He works at the Texas Manufacturing and<br> Assistance Center or TMAC as we’ll call it and is a Shingo prize examiner. <br> <br> For<br> the last 20 years, Conrad has provided industry with a wide array of management and<br> workforce development services. He has been published in various media outlets and<br> the principle author of the award-winning book, The 7 Kata, co-authored with<br> Patrick Boutier. Conrad and Patrick are both certified through the TWI<br> Institute as a trainer in Job Instructions, Job Relations, Job Methods, Problem<br> Solving and Job Safety. <br> <a href="">Business901 iTunes Store</a><br> <a href="">Mobile Version</a><br> <a href=";feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5wb2RiZWFuLmJ1c2luZXNzOTAxIl0.">Android APP</a><br> Lean Sales and Marketing: <a href="">Learn about using CAP-Do</a><br> <a href="">Lean Engagement Team (More Info)</a><br>