Designing through Promises, Part 2

Business901 show

Summary: <br> <a href="">Mark Burgess</a> is perhaps best known as the author of the popular configuration management software package CFEngine,<br> but has also made important contributions to the theory of the field of<br> automation and policy based management, including the idea of operator <br> convergence and promise theory.<br> Mark is the author of numerous <br> books, articles, and papers on topics from physics, Network and System <br> Administration, to fiction. His new book is <a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=1491917873&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=business901-20&amp;linkId=6UJNPLX5DHMDXRBP">Thinking in Promises</a> and<br> which was the topic of last week and this week. <br> The first podcast gave some history and background on the subject. while this podcast is more directed at applying the Promise Theory.  A direct link to the first podcast: <a href="">Designing through Promises.</a><br> <a href="">Business901 iTunes Store</a><br> <a href="">Mobile Version</a><br> <a href="">New Accessibility for the Business901 Podcast</a><br> <a href="">CAP-Do (More Info):</a><br> What makes CAP-Do so attractive is that it assumes we do not have the <br> answers. It allows us to create a systematic way to address the problems<br> (pain) or opportunities (gain) from the use of our products and <br> services.<br> <a href="">Lean Marketing eBooks (More Info): Excerpt from the Lean Marketing House</a><br>