Sid McNairy: A STT Exclusive

SMARTER Team Training show

Summary: As a previous football coach at Northern Illinois University with a major in Movement and Sports Science from Purdue University, and a Masters Degree in Sports Administration from Easter Illinois University, Sid McNairy’s path to healing and inspiring others was destined. One of his players, Justin McCareins, former player of the New York Jets and Tennessee Titans, had injured both of his hamstrings. Under Sid’s guidance, Justin began doing Yoga to heal. Inspired by the impact Yoga had on his player, Sid began to incorporate Yoga as an integral part of his team’s training which led to the team’s first winning season in 23 years. Sid first began doing Yoga to find a way to heal both physically and emotionally. As Sid developed his own Yoga practice, he realized many health benefits such as the disappearance of his asthma which had plagued him for 30 years, as well as a full range of motion in his right ankle that was fused. <br> <br> The SMARTER Team Training Audio Interview Series has been developed to share insights from some of the best in the industry. Stay tuned for more insights, tips, drills, and techniques to come from STT. Be sure to share the STT Audio Interview Series with coaches, trainers, parents, and athletes too. <br> <br> Visit STT at . Listen to STT on iTunes at . Join STT on Facebook at . Subscribe to STT on YouTube at . And follow us on twitter at . SMARTER Team Training has been developed to focus on athlete and team development, performance, and education. By incorporating the SMARTER Team Training programs into your year round athletic development program, you will decrease your injury potential, increase individual athleticism, and maximize your team training time.