Episode 24: Wonderwool Wales 2011

Yarns from the Plain show

Summary: Hello from a blooming Cheshire Plain. In this episode, come with me as I go to Wonderwool Wales! Apologies for the occasional background noise, I've tried to even the levels out as best I could. <br> <br> On my needles and spinning wheel: I've been working on a bear for the <a href="http://www.motherbearproject.org/">Mother Bear Project</a>, some Baker's Dozen Squares and my sock yarn blanket. I've also tried plying the <a href="http://www.etsy.com/shop/picperfic">Picperfec</a> singles into a 4 ply and it's just what I want! <br> <br> <br> <br> At Wonderwool I met up with guzzisue from the Spinnotts (click <a href="http://knit-nottingham.blogspot.com/2011/01/what-are-spinnotts.html">here</a> for more info about them) and ambermoggie at the Ravelry Meet-up area. I also spotted Jess in the finger-crocheted hat (sorry, can't remember your Rav name!) teaching Angie and Penny how to spin: <br> <br> <br> <br> I spotted more historic mill bobbins at <a href="http://www.threshingbarn.com/">The Threshing Barn</a> and bought one. <br> <br> I also bought some fibre from <a href="http://www.etsy.com/shop/Freyalyn">Freyalyn's Fibres</a> and some felted jewellery making cupkits from <a href="http://www.bryncurlworkshops.co.uk/">Bryncurl Workshops</a>. <br> <br> I also saw some sheep! First some Shetlands... <br> <br> <br> <br> ... then a gorgeous Leicester Longwool... <br> <br> <br> <br> ...and finally some Manx Loaghtan (but I only photographed the ram, not the two ewes). <br> <br> <br> Music: Rondopolska by Barry Philips, from the album Tråd, available from <a href="http://magnatune.com/">Magnatune</a>. <br> <br> Feel free to leave a comment here or at <a href="http://www.yarnsfromtheplain.blogspot.com/">http://www.yarnsfromtheplain.blogspot.com/</a>, or email me at <a href="https://yarnsfromtheplain.podbean.com/mailto:yarnsfromtheplain@googlemail.com">yarnsfromtheplain@googlemail.com</a>. We have a Ravelry group <a href="http://www.ravelry.com/groups/yarns-from-the-plain-podcast">here</a>, so come on over to chat. You can find me on Ravelry as talesfromtheplain and on Twitter as talesfromplain (although Tweeting can be sporadic!). <br> <br> TTFN, Nic