Episode 39: What’s In A Name?

Yarns from the Plain show

Summary: Hello from a cold and wintery Cheshire Plain! This episode I share limited progress, explain terminology and hector my listeners. <br> <br> Giveaway: Thank you for all your entries. We have winners! <br> <br> Works in Progress: I'm knitting a cushion back (no photos or Ravelry details yet) and I'm still spinning the Cheviot I got in the Secret Santa on the <a href="http://www.ravelry.com/groups/uk-spinners">UK Spinners</a> board on <a href="http://ravelry.com/">Ravelry</a> from <a href="http://www.etsy.com/shop/shunklies">Shunklies</a> (still no pictures but I've found the purple!). <br> I'm also lusting after <a href="http://www.easyknits.co.uk/">Easyknits</a>' Superwash Merino Fluff in Punk colours (sorry, I mispelt it in the show) and can't wait to spin them. Jon's blogpost about them, along with his finished yarn, is <a href="http://easyknitter.wordpress.com/2012/01/21/spin-span-spun/">here</a>. <br> <br> Something I Really Like: My conservatory! <br> <br> <br> <br> Woolsack Update: Please please please consider making a cushion for the Woolsack project. There's a thread over in the Ravlery group waiting for your pictures. <br> <br> Links: <br> <a href="http://www.poshyarn.co.uk/">Posh Yarn</a>; <br> <a href="http://www.woolsack.org/">Woolsack</a>; <br> <a href="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fleece-Sourcebook-Deborah-Robson-Ekarius/dp/1603427112">The Fleece and Fiber Sourcebook</a> <br> <br> Music: Rondopolska by Barry Philips, from the album Tråd, available from <a href="http://magnatune.com/">Magnatune</a>. <br> <br> We have a <a href="http://www.zeemaps.com/228047">listeners' map</a>! Please go on over to pop in a pin - I'd love to see where you all are! <br> <br> Feel free to leave a comment here or at <a href="http://www.yarnsfromtheplain.blogspot.com/">http://www.yarnsfromtheplain.blogspot.com/</a>, or email me at <a href="https://yarnsfromtheplain.podbean.com/mailto:yarnsfromtheplain@googlemail.com">yarnsfromtheplain AT googlemail DOT com</a>. We have a Ravelry group <a href="http://www.ravelry.com/groups/yarns-from-the-plain-podcast">here</a>, so come on over to chat. You can find me on Ravelry as talesfromtheplain and on Twitter as talesfromplain (although Tweeting can be sporadic!). <br> <br> <br> TTFN, Nic