Episode 136: 10 February 2016

Galactic Suburbia show

Summary: <br> In which Alex and Tansy leap back into 2016 to talk Awards (it's that season again!), comics, novellas, mysterious London novels and epic feminist canon. Also, Molly Meldrum.<br> <a href="http://www.locusmag.com/News/2016/02/2015-locus-recommended-reading-list/">Locus Recommended Reading List</a>. <br> <a href="http://www.locusmag.com/News/2016/02/2015-bsfa-awards-shortlist/">BSFA Awards shortlist</a><br> <br> Letters to Tiptree 99 cents! Bestseller on Amazon!<br> <br> Tansy’s new podcast plug! <a href="http://sheepmightfly.podbean.com/">Sheep Might Fly &amp; Fake Geek Girl</a><br> <br> Kickstarter for <a href="https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/arwencurry/worlds-of-ursula-k-le-guin">Ursula Le Guin documentary</a>.<br> <br> Nominating for Hugos (til end of March) don't forget.<br> <br> And Part 1 of the <a href="http://media.uoregon.edu/channel/archives/10353">University of Oregon’s Tiptree Symposium, with Julie Phillips</a> - (Alex says: sorry not sorry, Tansy)<br> <br> CULTURE CONSUMED:<br> <br> Tansy: <a href="http://tansyrr.com/tansywp/issue-1-hellcat-2016/">Hellcat</a> by Kate Leth &amp; Brittney Williams, <a href="http://tansyrr.com/tansywp/issue-1-archie/">Archie</a> by Mark Waid &amp; Fiona Staples, The Honey Month by Amal El-Mohtar, The Beatriceid by Kate Elliott, “Binti” by Nnedi Okorafor, <a href="http://tansyrr.com/tansywp/not-not-if-you-were-the-last-february-stories/">“The Heart is Eaten Last”</a> by Kameron Hurley (note: Kameron says any new Patreon subscriber automatically gets access to all the stories she has posted so far including this one - bargain at as little as $1 a month!)<br> <br> Alex: Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, Susannah Clarke; Neverwhere, Neil Gaiman (plus others of course). The Just City, Jo Walton; Walk to the End of the World, Suzy McKee Charnas. MOLLY. <br> <br> <br> Skype number: 03 90164171 (within Australia) +613 90164171 (from overseas)<br> <br> Please send feedback to us at galacticsuburbia@gmail.com, follow us on Twitter at @galacticsuburbs, check out Galactic Suburbia Podcast on Facebook, support us at <a href="http://www.patreon.com/galacticsuburbia">Patreon</a> and don't forget to leave a review on iTunes if you love us!<br>