Episode 139: 16 March 2016

Galactic Suburbia show

Summary: <br> In which all 3 of us celebrate 6 years of Galactic Suburbia with an excellent baby and variable cake. ALISA IS BACK THIS IS NOT A DRILL!<br> <br> What’s new on the internet?<br> <br> JK Rowling, Native American "magic" and cultural appropriation.<br> <a href="http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/03/160311-history-of-magic-in-north-america-jk-rowling-native-american-stereotypes/">National Geographic outlines the issues.</a><br> An open letter to Jo Rowling on the Native Appropriations blog <a href="http://nativeappropriations.com/2016/03/magic-in-north-america-the-harry-potter-franchise-veers-too-close-to-home.html">- why indigenous people are not magical creatures.</a><br> <br> <a href="http://www.fantasticstoriesoftheimagination.com/a-crash-course-in-the-history-of-black-science-fiction/">Nisi Shawl’s crash course in the history of black science fiction</a><br> <br> <a href="http://www.autostraddle.com/all-65-dead-lesbian-and-bisexual-characters-on-tv-and-how-they-died-312315/">A list of all the dead lesbian &amp; bisexual female characters on TV and how they died</a> (many spoilers).<br> <br> Feminist Frequency crowdfunding at Seed &amp; Spark: <a href="https://www.seedandspark.com/studio/ordinary-women#wishlist">a series of films about historical women</a>. <br> <br> Tansy’s <a href="http://glittership.podbean.com/e/episode-24-lamia-victoriana-by-tansy-rayner-roberts/">“Lamia Victoriana”</a> story from <a href="http://www.twelfthplanetpress.com/store-items/love-and-romanpunk">Love &amp; Romanpunk</a>, podcast at GlitterShip. <br> <br> Also, Tansy's upcoming superhero story at Book Smugglers - <a href="http://thebooksmugglers.com/2016/03/book-smugglers-publishing-presents-upcoming-short-stories-superhero-season.html">“Boy’s Own Superhero Bingo Card.”</a><br> <br> Defying Doomsday coming soon too!<br> <br> Listen to the end for the GALACTIC SUBURBIA GIVEAWAY - win a copy of <a href="http://fablecroft.com.au/publications/the-rebirth-of-rapunzel">The Rebirth of Rapunzel: A Mythic Biography of the Maiden in the Tower</a> by Kate Forsyth, a unique non-fiction collection presenting Kate’s extensive academic research into the ‘Rapunzel’ fairy tale, alongside several other pieces related to fairy tales and folklore. Available soon from Fablecroft.<br> <br> AND, although we forgot to mention this in the show, it’s time to nominate for the Galactic Suburbia Award! We want to honour activism and/or communication that advances the feminist conversation in the field of speculative fiction - so if you’ve got someone or something that should be nominated for 2015, let us know! <br>