Episode 163: 22 March 2017

Galactic Suburbia show

Summary: <br> In which Alisa reads us all under the table (again) and the women of SFF are anything but Humble.<br> What's New on the Internet? <br> Cheesecake can be cake if it wants to be cake. Especially if you do not belong to a pie nation. Also, pies need lids or they're not trying hard enough.<br> <a href="http://ozfanfunds.com/?page_id=63">GUFF race</a> (until 17 April)<br> Paul Weimer is the DUFF candidate, hooray!<br> <a href="https://www.humblebundle.com/books/women-of-scifi-and-fantasy-book-bundle">Women of SFF Humble Bundle</a> - get this amazing bunch of SFF books now, only a couple of days to go!<br> CULTURE CONSUMED:<br> Alisa: Fangirl, Rainbow Rowell; Too Sharp, Marianne Delacourt; Missing Richard Simmons<br> Tansy: Dreadnought, by April Daniels, Mad Money, Iron Fist<br> Alex: Hawk and Fisher, Simon R Green; The Delirium Brief, Charles Stross; Logan; The Abyss;<br> Please send feedback to us at galacticsuburbia@gmail.com, follow us on Twitter at @galacticsuburbs, check out Galactic Suburbia Podcast on Facebook, support us at <a href="http://www.patreon.com/galacticsuburbia">Patreon</a> and don't forget to leave a review on iTunes if you love us!<br>