Episode 24 In Which We Get Historical

Quilting...for the Rest of Us show

Summary: Welcome to episode 24 and my interview with Patricia Smith, a member of my guild and all around history buff. Pat is self-educated in the world of quilts and quilt history, and serves as a consultant with her Civil War reenactment group to make sure they have quilts representing the right period of history on their cots. Pat and I also talk about her Dear Jane quilt progress, and her theories about the underground railroad quilts. Have fun listening in on the conversation! Pat's Quilt (taken with my cell phone while it was laid out on the floor at our retreat--sorry about the quality!) Mentioned in the episode: Batavia Quilt Guild's "Stitches in Time" Show, Oct. 15 and 16, featuring George Siciliano: http://museumquiltguild.blogspot.com for more information.