241期:GO熊·云上的一日 – A drifted day in the sky

狗熊有话说 show

Summary: 我们都不曾缺过乘坐飞机旅行的经验,但超过12小时,跨越半个地球的长途飞行,不论进行过几次,还是每次都会让我感叹人类科技的伟大。这一次,是和家人飞往新西兰——那个未知的岛国,开始一段新的人生旅程。回味的声音里,有着音乐、现场、情绪和一种不知何处而来的诗意。在声音的世界里,这趟飞行似乎也有着迷幻的一面。也许,每一段超过10小时的航程,都注定是迷幻的。在声音的记录片“GO熊”里,你会和我一起,漫步在相同的时空,感受不一样的世界。公众号:BearBigTalk | 微信:ibearbig | 微博:@i大狗熊 | Instagram:beartalking | 邮件:bear@beartalking.com | 网站:www.beartalking.com We all have the expierence of taking airplane, but I found it is wowed me everytime when I take a flight over 12 hours. It reminds me how impressive the technology is. This episode is about a journey flying to a different coutry, and I’d like to share my stories with you again.