Episode 96 - Freshies

caithnesscraftcollective show

Summary: This episode is now dedicated to our hero Moiraeknittoo from Ravelry who helped me upload this episode.<br> <br> Get that ski outfit out for we are going for Freshies at the top of the ski slope. My blether is about Fresh and New and how to keep it going.<br> <br> I recommend you go listen to our Louise Scollay on Knit British podcast on iTunes or <a href="http://www.knitbritish.net">www.knitbritish.net</a><br> <br> New thread for support for Running people on the Caithness Craft Collective Group on Ravelry and you can then go find CorrieBerry's knitting running pattern. Its very funny <a href="http://www.plutoniummuffins.com/couch-5k-knitting-pattern/">http://www.plutoniummuffins.com/couch-5k-knitting-pattern/</a><br> <br> Swap for the under a kilo box should be posted out about the 1st February please. Anything crafty in a box/bag 950-999g.<br> <br> Recommendation to go look at <a href="http://www.keenedgeknives.com/">http://www.keenedgeknives.com/</a> and then befriend JDoll25 on Ravelry and help her along with her knitting. I just think she's lovely.<br> <br> Strandwanderer Shawl by Lea Victoria - Thank you to the giftee she's very lovely - I didn't say that on the podcast and meant to.<br> Baby Eyelet Cardi by Linda of ClickertyClick<br> Infinity and Beyond Broomstick Lace Infinity Scarf by Heidi Nieling<br> <br> Caithness Segment has a bit about the wheeling and deeling of the kings in charge this episode.<br> Shoppy Section - I have a good deal for you in there. But you may have to be quick. <a href="https://www.etsy.com/shop/caithnesscraft">https://www.etsy.com/shop/caithnesscraft</a><br> <br> caithnesscraftcollective@gmail.com LouiseHunt on Ravelry CaithnessCraft on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram Etsy<br> www.caithnesscraftcollective.podbean.comĀ  Flickr - LouiseJ2010<br> <br> The music is Lizzie Davies with All about the weather from <a href="http://www.musicalley.com">www.musicalley.com</a><br> <br> <br>