Episode 110 - Game On

caithnesscraftcollective show

Summary: Get your game face on, we're going to play.<br> Blether - Games<br> Hello Section<br> Wots e Craic - Rebecca Danger Books, 50 yards of Fun, Knit a Monster Nursery and The Big Book of Knitted Monsters.<br> Thank you Sue.<br> Shoppy Section - www.etsy.com/shop/caithnesscraft for Tartan tastic project and tote bags. Still a couple of Outlander bags available.<br> Castle Fraser Throughout the Year by Aurelie Colas which is a wonderful knitting eBook via Ravelry<br> Pass it on - Wollombidreamer suggests this blog for Kitchener Stitch help. Thank you. http://techknitting.blogspot.com.au/2007/05/easier-way-to-kitchener-stitch-also.html<br> Swap<br> Knitalong<br> Lush Cardigan Knitalong be done by 14 September and there are loads of prizes by following myself, Knit British, KnitSpinCake or ShinyBees chatter threads.<br> Me Me Me - mostly gardening.<br> Drams - Isle of Skye Blended Malt Whisky.<br> <br> Contact info - caithnesscraftcollective@gmail.com  Ravelry as LouiseHunt, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Etsy as CaithnessCraft  Flickr as louisej2010 and www.caithnesscraftcollective.podbean.com<br> <br>