Push to Regen - Episode 24

Push To Regen show

Summary: <br> You should've known better, than to think we'd get an episode out on time! <br> Enjoy our dulcet tones! Revel in the amazingness that is 'Take This Heart!' And, of course, take part in the strangest 'Clix podcast this side of the I4 corridor. <br> We talk Fear Itself, Wolverine &amp; The X-Men, and have a battle of the Team Girl Squad versus some mer-men in the Port of Miami. <br> This is seriously one of the weirdest episodes we've done, guys. We understand if we start hemorrhaging listeners because of it. :) <br> What's your #SummerAnthem? Don Henley, Atmosphere, and Kenny Rogers and the First Edition are all mentioned by the guys on this episode! <br> Visit the shows website at http://pushtoregen.com! <br> You can contact the show in the following ways: pushtoregen@gmail.com,<a href="http://twitter.com/pushtoregen">@pushtoregen</a> on Twitter, or by posting a comment about the episode you just listened to, either on the Podbean site - http://pushtoregen.podbean.com, or feel free to leave us a rating and a review on iTunes! Give us a buzz on our Google Voice number (during normal waking hours on the east coast) at 321-236-2549. Also, <a href="http://facebook.com/pushtoregen">Like us on Facebook</a>, and join in the discussion! We'll also have a thread started in the A/V section of HCRealms! Don’t be afraid to push!<br>