#143: Dopes to Infinity by Monster Magnet

Dig Me Out - The 90's rock podcast show

Summary: <br> Monster Magnet has a new record out, so you know what that means - we ignore it and review an album from their 1990s output. Before their breakout single 'Space Lord," MM scored a minor hit with 'Negasonic Teenage Warhead' off their 1995 album Dopes to Infinity. Does the whole album live up to the promise of the single, or this a case where stoner rock experimentation turns into a big mess? And what really is stoner rock, anyway? Tune in to find out.<br> <br> <br> Songs in this Episode:<br> <br> <br> Intro - I Control, I Fly<br> 3:20 - History of the Band<br> 12:26 - King of Mars<br> 15:42 - Ego, The Living Planet<br> 20:45 - Blow 'Em Off<br> Outro - Negasonic Teenage Warhead<br> <br> <br> <br> Follow on <a href="http://twitter.com/digmeoutpodcast">Twitter</a> / <a href="https://www.facebook.com/DigMeOutPodcast">Facebook</a><br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="http://www.digmeoutpodcast.com/requestareview">Request A Review</a><br> <br>