FDR3631 Failing At Life With A Smile On Your Face - Call in Show - March 23rd, 2017

Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux show

Summary: Question 1: [2:44] - “As a manager in a global Financial Services business that employees over 200k people and has revenues of over $29bn US Dollars, I have seen a huge focus develop on ‘Gender Equality’, meaning that there are a number of initiatives and programs aimed at getting more women into senior positions in the firm, where they are statistically under represented. Do you think that such initiatives are valuable and, if so, what role can / should men play in supporting them? I ask as I while I am very ‘pro-equality’, through my work with the Women’s Network, I have increasingly heard phrases like “white men just don’t get it” and ‘there are too many pale, male and stale decision makers’ which makes me ask – is there an enormous double standard developing?”<br><br>Question 2: [54:14] - “I just listened to ‘Your Job Is To Get Married And Have Children’ through your YouTube channel, and I would be very interested to explore an idea with you: Is any man out there in a traditional career really able to plan for the future? Many have educational debts and no streams of passive income. Jobs are disappearing, and as Boomers retire, many of their jobs are going with them. Also, how can a moral man work in a regulated sector of business? Doesn't making more dollars just make the government rich while its subjects trade their health and sanity for it? Doesn't this just feed into this atrocity that is mandatory healthcare? Isn't it the duty of someone who sees these problems to allow this situation to fall apart?”<br><br>Question 3: [1:34:31] - "How can we bring science back from the cult of diversity? I recently received feedback on my National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program application, and one part of the review struck me as quite interesting. It reads 'The applicant served as a Teaching Assistant for an introductory AI course and as an Instructor for a summer camp designed to expose elementary school-aged kids to robotics. The applicant expects to serve as a TA during graduate school, but it is unclear how, if at all, he plans to participate in activities that specifically seek to broaden the inclusion of women and underrepresented minorities in CS and STEM.' While I ended up leaving graduate school anyway, I think this particular quote illustrates a larger problem in the scientific community: an over emphasis on diversity of skin color, gender, etc. among the ranks of scientists as opposed to actual scientific progress. Now that academia, even in the sciences, has transitioned into essentially an arm of the government, what can be done to push back and restore science to its intended purpose?"<br><br>Question 4: [1:52:56] - “I am a second-year student at University. I am double majoring, one being philosophy, the other not yet determined. My passion is philosophy, but I know that this major does not translate directly into many jobs - realistically we can't all hope to run something like Freedomain Radio. I understand that integrating philosophy into one's daily life can have an impact, however I see the only proper role of a true philosopher to be philosophizing - that is, teaching, in some sense. Does Stefan have any advice in terms of breaking into the marketplace of ideas? Good ideas are a start, but surely there is more to it than that?”<br><br>Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate