Episode 131// Mysterious, Rebellious Potential


Summary: <br> Sweet loves,<br> It is so good to be with you <a href="http://sunroseyoga.com/">here</a>. I had an AMAZING trip to California last week and cannot wait to share the yoga videos I made there for <a href="https://www.yogaanytime.com/account/new_account.cfm?ccode=6525YAE">Yoga Anytime</a> with you.<br> Today's class is an open-level hatha yoga class focusing on this wonder-filled waning moon time we find ourselves in at present. We call on our capacity to appreciate potential, mystery, darkness and our rebellious spirit in this class. It was a lot of fun to teach and I hope you feel the LOVE of this community of practitioners.<br> Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your practice here. I appreciate you. Where-ever you are in space and time, I love you for just being here.<br> Jai Mystery Moon!<br> <br> News//<br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> I hope you will join us for Clarity:: the mid-winter at-home retreat. We have some FANTASTIC collaborators on board and I cannot wait to share this with you. As always, this retreat is a free experience. To sign up, click <a href="http://eepurl.com/baQlUL">here</a>. Clarity begins on February 28th.<br> Connections//<br> Thank you for the sweetest emails in the world, dear friends. I LOVE hearing from you. We are a family! Keep ‘em coming.<br> <br> email: sunroseyoga @ gmail . com<br> voicemail:  503-583-2599<br> twitter: <a href="http://twitter.com/kellysunrose">http://twitter.com/kellysunrose</a><br> instagram: <a href="http://instagram.com/kelly_sunrose">http://instagram.com/kelly_sunrose</a><br> <br> Support//<br> Thank you to everyone who has donated to the podcast! You make this possible!<br> If you enjoy this podcast, please consider donating via paypal by clicking <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&amp;hosted_button_id=Z7AW7KAZBH2ZE">here</a> .<br> Many Thanks and SO MUCH LOVE,<br> Kelly<br>