Episode 133// Shira Pashcha meditation


Summary: <br> Hi Beauties, <br> A meditation for you today: a meditation on the back of the head.<br> I hope this moves you.<br> LOVE,<br> Kelly<br> P.S. You can still sign up for Clarity:: The At-Home Retreat for FREE right <a href="http://sunroseyoga.us8.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=a81b5d46c6f3132acb55e6ed4&amp;id=4c60da70a5">here</a>. There is no catch. It is just something a few of my beloveds and I made for you. Enjoy.<br> Connections//<br> Thank you for the sweetest emails in the world, dear friends. I LOVE hearing from you. We are a family! Keep ‘em coming.<br> <br> email: sunroseyoga@gmail.com<br> voicemail:  503-583-2599<br> twitter: <a href="http://twitter.com/kellysunrose">http://twitter.com/kellysunrose</a><br> instagram: <a href="http://instagram.com/kelly_sunrose">http://instagram.com/kelly_sunrose</a><br> facebook:  http://facebook.com/kellysunroseyoga/ <br> <br> <br> Support//<br> Thank you to everyone who has donated to the podcast! You make this possible!<br> If you enjoy this podcast, please consider donating via paypal by clicking <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&amp;hosted_button_id=Z7AW7KAZBH2ZE">here</a>. LOVE you all.<br> <br> <br>