13123 The 4 Miracle Symphonies of Mozart

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Summary: Although Mozart composed over 600 works, many of his compositions have not survived the 200 plus years of human history. Natural cataclysmic events can destroy much of man’s history, sadly, it is our own political events that destroy our greatest artistic creations. Mozart’s symphonies 54, 42, 9 and 12 are prime examples of war destroying art. It seems that no matter how much beauty man creates, the tragedies and ugliness of war continually destroys our finest creations. We will now discuss 4 of Mozart’s symphonies that barely escaped the ravages of World War 2. These 4 symphonies were composed in rapid succession while the Mozart family was preparing for a concert tour of Italy in 1771. Mozart was 15 years old at this time. We will discuss and play for you all 4 symphonies in order of composition.