The Tech Night Owl LIVE Mar 25, 2017

The Tech Night Owl LIVE — Tech Radio with a Twist! show

Summary: We feature outspoken blogger and podcaster Kirk McElhearn, also known as Macworld's "iTunes Guy." Gene and Kirk briefly discuss the probe by French authorities into alleged emission faking by more and more car makers, the latest being Mercedes-Benz. Kirk describes the new features in iTunes 12.6 for Mac and Windows and some of the glitches he's discovered that Apple needs to fix. The discussion moves to the modest March iPad refresh from Apple, and what might come next. There's a brief debate between Gene and Kirk about the potential for the iPad as a productivity device. Gene says it could be better, while Kirk believes that power users should stick with their Macs. You'll also hear from columnist Jeff Gamet, Managing Editor for The Mac Observer. During a pop culture segment, Gene and Jeff discuss "Duets," the musical episode of a TV super hero show, "The Flash." Jeff makes a pitch for Apple users changing their passwords in light of recent hacking attempts, and he briefly describes 2-factor authentication. The discussion moves briefly to iTunes 12.6, the limits of the Apple TV, and on to the iPad refresh. Gene and Jeff focus on the possibilities for iPad productivity, especially being able to record and edit audio — and perhaps video — assets on Apple's tablet. Does it make sense to enhance its capabilities, or should such tasks be left to a Mac or PC?