March 18th, 2017-Unsworth and a gaggle of Somms

Tasting Room Radio show

Summary: <a class="a2a_button_facebook a2a_counter" href=";linkname=March%2018th%2C%202017-Unsworth%20and%20a%20gaggle%20of%20Somms" title="Facebook" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a><a class="a2a_button_twitter" href=";linkname=March%2018th%2C%202017-Unsworth%20and%20a%20gaggle%20of%20Somms" title="Twitter" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a><a class="a2a_dd addtoany_share_save" href=";title=March%2018th%2C%202017-Unsworth%20and%20a%20gaggle%20of%20Somms"></a><br> A Gaggle of Vancouver Sommeliers gathers at Unsworth Vineyards in the Cowichan Valley.  Can’t wait to talk to them.<br> Includes Somm of the Year Shane Taylor from CinCin!<br> (check  the outstanding names below)<br> Richard Da Silva from Misconduct/Naramata Bench guests as well and we finish with one of the best wine minds in the music business<br> Colin Linden from Blackie and the Rodeo Kings.<br>  <br> THE SHOW<br>  As soon as I got the invite from Ron Bogdonov GM at Unsworth Vineyards in the Cowichan Valley Vancouver Island I knew it was just too good to pass up.<br> <br> Chris Turyk, son of owner Tim Turyk and a seriously good wine guy who worked  at Hawksworth!<br> Chris invited his Sommelier friends in Vancouver and they all agreed to fly over on three planes to spend the day touring the cellars at Unsworth and then finishing with food and wine pairings  in their wonderful dining room.<br>  <br>  <br>  <br>  <br> Over 30 in total..all with sharp minds and even sharper tongues.<br> I recorded the highlights of the tour to start the show  – so you get to take it in as well.<br> Between the time the lunch ended and the buses left  for the return flight I started asking questions of them – 3 at a time.<br> Below are the really fun results.  We’re talking Unsworth, Cowichan, Trends, 2017 etc.<br>  <br>  <br> Peter Van Der Reep – Campagnolo Roma<br> Lisa Haley – L’ Abattoir<br> Kurtis Kolt – The Georgia Straight<br> Bryant Mao – Wine Director Hawksworth/Nightingale<br> Franco Michenzi – Hawksworth<br> Colin Davidson – Nightingale<br> Shane Taylor –   CinCin   Sommelier of the Year<br> David Stansfield – Earls Group<br> Sarah McCauley – Coast Restaurant<br> Chef Marc Perrier – Savio Volpe<br> <a href=""></a><br> I’m drawn to people  in the food and wine business who walk their own path. As a result they usually always make distinctive wines,  with character and focus.<br> Richard da Silva of Misconduct Wine Co on the Naramata Bench is one of those kind of people.<br> <br> He makes the suspect and bootleg series of wines. (do you see a theme here)<br> First off, his family have been growers in the valley for years.  That alone puts him well ahead in the race for fruit and harvest standouts. It shows in his wines.  Blends, single growth varietals and seriously good food wines.<br> It helps that his food partner  in The Kitchen is a really good chef, Abul Adame.  Mexican born. French trained. He’s one of the very best anywhere in the valley. Over 30 Tapas with a large variety of options.<br>  <br> Love talking to Richard.  He’s a’s just that some of the stories “he can’t tell”.<br> <a href=""></a><br> …and finally it’s the semi-annual return of Colin Linden...