Lions Live 15/16 Ep 23: Tony Craig & Tony Cascarino

1885 Millwall Podcast show

Summary: <br> January 21st, 2016<br> James “Badboy” Took control of the host’s chair to keep control of the boys in the studio with George, Graeme, Ted &amp; Special guest lifelong wall fan Tim V from Sham 69.<br> With the lions having a chalk &amp; cheese week at home losing 2-0 to Oxford in the JPT &amp; winning 3-1 against Port Vale it was a glass half empty/full debate among the lads in the studio.<br> Our first guest on the show was club captain Tony Craig keeping us up to date with his injury and what the mood in the club is like at the moment.<br> In the second half of the show we was joined by former Wall striker &amp; now TV pundit Tony Cascarino taking us on a little trip down memory lane and giving us his honest views about the current times down the den from a pundits point of view.<br> “Bye For Now!”<br> Remember if you want to contact the show or come on air to chat or play Ted's game you can get in touch:, 020 7237 9272, 07895 022 325.<br> Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook: @lionsliveradio or search Lions Live Radio!<br> And why not subscribe in iTunes: <a href=""></a> (or your podcast software) and never miss an episode again! And while you’re there rate and review the show so other fans can find us!<br>