Lions Live 15/16 Ep 28: Steve Morison & Jeff Burnige

1885 Millwall Podcast show

Summary: <br> February 25th, 2016<br> Joe Amphlett returned to the hot seat after serving he’s 2 match ban to host another action packed show with the boys in the studio George, Graeme &amp; Ted.<br> With the lions winning at home (Yes At Home Joe!) last Saturday with an emphatic 3-0 mauling of the posh and what some people are saying has to be the best ever back pass save in history from Jordan Archer having been viewed by over 100,000 times from the Millwall you tube page, everything was geared up for a happy show.<br> Our first guest on the show was current team captain Steve Morison taking us through he’s two goal haul at the weekend and how being back with the Lions has rejuvenated he’s love for the club and football.<br> Former Millwall chairman Jeff Burnige joined us in the second half of the show telling us about the early days of the regeneration issue and what he’s views are about it all now and how it’s come to a head and how it may turn out.<br> “Bye For Now!”<br> Remember if you want to contact the show or come on air to chat or play Ted's game you can get in touch:, 020 7237 9272, 07895 022 325.<br> Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook: @lionsliveradio or search Lions Live Radio!<br> And why not subscribe in iTunes: <a href=""></a> (or your podcast software) and never miss an episode again! And while you’re there rate and review the show so other fans can find us!<br>