Balance in the challenge of this life

mootuk show

Summary: <br> <a href="">Clare Catford</a>, broadcaster, writer and member of the <a href="">moot community</a>, explores the theme of balance in the Moot Alt Eucharist on Sun 15th March 2009 on the third sunday in the season of Lent.  Clare explores the theme in the context of her own life experience, particularly the challenge of facing and living with depression. <br> <br> The Moot Rhythm of Life Specifices Balance as: <br> <br> We aspire to live with integrity in the City, striving as a community for balance between work, rest and play.  We wish to develop healthy spiritual disciplines such as daily prayer, meditation and contemplation, drawing on the ancient Christian paths.  We want to live within our means, living sustainable lives. We desire to not be simply consumers, but people committed to giving and receiving in all of life.<br> <a href="">Download Standard Podcasts</a><br>