Sunday before Lent: seeking the spiritual in the ordinary

mootuk show

Summary: <br> At the Alt Eucharist Service of the Moot Community on the 14th February 2010, Clare Catford explores the whole issue of seeking God in the details of life. This importantly includes the difficulties of living, in our journeys of human becoming. We do not need to feel ashamed or hidden.  We are all broken, and it is helpful to live out the struggles of our lives in community, where others can encourage us to be whole both emotionally and physically. Hiding your struggles and shame can become toxic, that prevent wellbeing and a healthy spirituality.  God loves us, even in our brokenness. <br> <br> Apologies for the slight interference in this recording.  We have worked out why, and it won't happen in future recordings.<br> <a href="">Download Standard Podcasts</a><br>