Ron Paul Weekly Update - August 3rd thru August 10th

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: Coverage continues to  get harder to come by, as we await the Republican National Convention in less than three weeks. Much speculation remained this week, as conflicting reports came out claiming Dr. Paul will/will not be speaking at the RNC. While Dr. Paul has not been officially announced as a speaker in Tampa, <a href="" target="_blank">sources within</a> the GOP insist that he will be visible there. Meanwhile, Paul supporters are not able to rest with their victories in hand. In Louisiana and Maine, establishment forces are demanding compromises that they aren't entitled to. And in Minnesota, a Romney loyalist is on the attack against US Sen. candidate Kurt Bills. On the other hand, Justin Amash and Kerry Benitvolio won their respective primaries in Michigan, so progress continues. Finally, there is the Lawyers 4 Ron Paul lawsuit, that has apparently been adjudicated this week out in California- I included the most recent interview for your own convenience. Another eclectic mix of audio for you all this week, hope you enjoy! Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: <br> <blockquote> <br> <p style="padding-bottom: 8px;">(0:00)<span style="vertical-align: top;" title="Fahrenheit 451 and the Flame of Liberty" dir="ltr"> Rand Paul on the loss of liberty </span>through the lens of Ray Bradbury's dystopian classic "Fahrenheit 451" <span style="vertical-align: top;" title="Fahrenheit 451 and the Flame of Liberty" dir="ltr">from FreedomFest 2012 in Las Vegas, NV. Video by YouTube User: <a href="" target="_blank">SenatorRandPaul</a>. (7/14)</span></p> <br> <p style="padding-bottom: 8px;"><span style="vertical-align: top;" title="Fahrenheit 451 and the Flame of Liberty" dir="ltr">(5:06) </span><span class="long-title" style="vertical-align: top;" title="Airdate : July 29, 2012 : Clip 3 : Ron Paul on Syria" dir="ltr">WNOX News Talk 100.3's (Knoxville, TN) Patrick Riggins: </span><span class="long-title" style="vertical-align: top;" title="Airdate : August 5, 2012 : Clip 3 : Ron Paul on Iran" dir="ltr">Ron Paul on Iran</span><span class="long-title" style="vertical-align: top;" title="Airdate : July 29, 2012 : Clip 3 : Ron Paul on Syria" dir="ltr">. Video by YouTube User: <a href="" target="_blank">PatrickRigginsShow</a>. (7/29)</span></p> <br> <p style="padding-bottom: 8px;"><span class="long-title" style="vertical-align: top;" title="Airdate : July 29, 2012 : Clip 3 : Ron Paul on Syria" dir="ltr">(14:28) Chad Rogers </span>joins <a href="" target="_blank">WGSO AM Radio 990's</a> (New Orleans, LA) <em>Ringside Politics</em> with Jeff Crouere to talk about the Paul delegates vs. the LA GOP. (8/6)</p> <br> <p style="padding-bottom: 8px;">(35:33)<span class="long-title" style="vertical-align: top;" title="Ron Paul supporter bombards Alan Colmes radio program!" dir="ltr"> Ron Paul supporter bombards Alan Colmes radio program! *Funny Stuff* Video by YouTube User: <a href="" target="_blank">Tsdalfkjds</a>. (8/1)</span></p> <br> <p style="padding-bottom: 8px;"><span class="long-title" style="vertical-align: top;" title="Ron Paul supporter bombards Alan Colmes radio program!" dir="ltr">(38:58) Paul supporter </span><strong class="aodcolor">Kerry Bentivolio</strong><strong class="aodcolor"> joins  <a href=";podcast_name=Kerry+Bentivolio&amp;podcast_artist=Mike+Campbell&amp;station_id=89&amp;tag=pages&amp;dcid=CBS.DET"></a></strong></p> </blockquote>