Trekcase Episode 8: Space moth balls

Star Trek Podcast: Trekcast show

Summary: Trekcase Episode 8: Space moth balls <br> <br> Time to crack open the seal on the famed USS Titan. This week we have our dream crew and story. Someone already designed the ship. <a href=";feature_id=4347">Simon &amp; Schuster: Star Trek: Starship Titan Design Contest Winner</a>. Jonathan Frakes is availible <a href="">kind of</a> and Michelle Forbes was just in <a href="">True Blood.</a> If you're into such things, there are new <br> <br> <a href="">New Star Trek Barbies</a> and check out <a href="">Fan Boys</a>and <a href="">Figure prints.</a> <br> <br> <a href="">Listen on iTunes</a> <a href="">Stream the Podbean</a><br>