Understanding the United Firm

Mormon Miscellaneous Worldwide Talk Show show

Summary: <br> Understanding the United FirmMy guest was Max Parkin. He is retired from the LDS Church Educational System (CES) after spending a lifetime in the study and teaching of Mormon topics. <br> <br> Currently, he is working with many others on the extensive Joseph Smith Papers Project. Specifically he is dealing with those Joseph Smith documents for the period of 1834-1838. Max gave details about this project which is to result in the publication of some 30 volumes. <br> <br> Max provided important clarification of economics of the Church in Kirtland and Missouri in 1832-1834. <a href="http://byustudies.byu.edu/dailypdfs/46.3ParkinONLINE.pdf">Click</a> to read his 73 page article on the subject.He explained such terms as: <br> The United Firm <br> <br> The United Order <br> <br> The Order of Enoch <br> <br> Consecration <br> <br> Stewardship <br> He addressed such issues as: <br> Ownership of property - Church owned and individually owned <br> <br> Financial workings of the Church during this early period <br> <br> Reasons for the failure of the the United Firm in Kirtland <br> <br> Reasons for conflicts between the Saints and the non-LDS residents in Independence Missouri. <br> <br> Deed of ownership and deed of stewardship <br> <br> Max explained that the publication of revelations (78, 82, 102, 103, 104) in the 1835 D&amp;C were altered to disguise the United Firm and those who were its managers. <br> Callers: <br> <br> Discussion with a caller on tithing and celestial law. <br> <br> Response to caller regarding his claim that the motivation of Church leaders has always been greed. <br> <br> Discussion with a caller on consecration <br> <br> A question from a caller about having all things in common. Max explained that Joseph Smith had no view of common ownership. <br> <br> Talk Show host: Van Hale, LDS <br> <br> Official website: <a href="http://www.mormonmiscellaneous.com/">http://www.mormonmiscellaneous.com/</a> <br> <br> Podcast address: <a href="http://www.mormonmisc.podbean.com/">http://www.mormonmisc.podbean.com/</a> <br> <br> This is the 8 June 2008 episode of the Mormon Miscellaneous Worldwide Talk Show, now in its 29th year.To listen to future Talk Shows live, go to <a href="http://www.k-talk.com/">http://www.k-talk.com/</a> Sunday evenings 5:00 - 7:00 pm MST. If you have a question or comment, your participation is invited, regardless of your point of view.Your voice will be heard around the world. <br> <br> <a href="http://mormonmisc.podbean.com/estore-catalog/">Click</a> to visit my eStore Catalog of Digital Articles related to some of my Podcast Episodes <br> <br> To make a comment, click on “Comment” below. <br> <br>   <br> <br>   <br> <br> <br>