125: Universalism: thoughts of William Barclay

Mormon Miscellaneous Worldwide Talk Show show

Summary: <br> 125: Universalism: thoughts of William Barclay<br> <br> <br> Guest Host: Don Ormsby, hosting this night (2015-02-15) Van Hale.<br> <br> <br> <br> Don quoted from William Barclay, a Presbyterian, a well-know New Testament scholar, New Testament translator, author of a 20 volume New Testament commentary and numerous historical and doctrinal books. His view on Universalism (that ultimately almost, or all, of the human family will find its way into God's kingdom) is closer to Joseph Smith's view than that of Calvin. The following are some of the topics from several of the callers:<br> <br> Atheist claims that the LDS Church has been dramatically altered from its original foundation<br> One Claims no evidence that anyone has seen the Golden Plates<br> Comments on John Dehlin's being disfellowshipped<br> This claim that LDS are not to quote the past Prophets<br> A non-Mormon told of his study with the Book of Mormon it leads one to pursue the life and teachings of Jesus<br> <br> Another claims that Elder McConkie placed homosexuality close to murder; that Jesus placed one who should lust in his heart, is an adulterer, but that Pres. Hinckley's position was a far different point of view.<br> <br> Talk Show host: Van Hale, LDS<br> <br> <br> Mormon Miscellaneous Worldwide Talk Show is now in its 32th year.Podcast address: http://mormonmisc.podbean.com<br> <br> <br> To Participate<br> <br> Live, Sunday evenings 5:00 - 7:00 pm MST<br> Live, in Salt Lake Valley on AM Radio • K-TALK  630 AM<br> Live, internationally on http://www.k-talk.com<br> Live, our call-in number is 801-254-5855<br> Live, participate sending short email mormontalkingpoints@gmail.com<br> Live, your questions or comments are invited, regardless of your point of view. <br> <br> Your voice will be heard around the world.<br> <br> To make a comment here, click on “Comment” below <br> <br>