Animal Radio Episode 903

Animal Radio® show

Summary: Clint Eastwood’s a Chihuahua Kind of Guy. Alison Eastwood, daughter of actor Clint Eastwood, is back to tell us more about her animal advocacy efforts. She’s created a website to link foster animals with foster parents. She also says her dad just adopted a Chihuahua. Not necessarily the breed most people expect the gruff actor to befriend. Has Your Pet Food Ever Been Recalled? Dave Baker created a website that contains a database of pet food recalls. You can check to see if your pet food has ever been on a recall list, or if it’s one of the few that has never had any issues. Knowing if your pet’s food is safe is crucial lately. There has been a glut or recalled pet food in the last 6 months. Tattoo Memorializes Dog Using Its Ashes You know the bond you have with your own pets. Can you imagine the bond that would develop if you worked for years in a war zone with a bomb detection dog? A veteran who served in Afghanistan understandably formed a strong bond with Treo, a black lab who worked by his side in the British military. When they both retired, the handler adopted Treo and the two enjoyed their lives in peace until, at the age of 14, Treo passed away. His handler Dave decided to get a tattoo of Treo’s paw print and a poem. But that wasn’t all. Dave asked the tattoo artist mix some of Treo’s ashes in the ink so Treo would forever be a part of him. Family Sues and Wins $885,000 After Police Shoot Dog When two Hartford, Connecticut police sergeants got a bad tip about illegal weapons on the Harris family’s property, they should have obtained a warrant. Instead, the family says they came onto their property, guns out of their holsters. As the officers they were leaving, the daughter of the family let one of their Saint Bernards out the back door. The dog approached the unfamiliar officers in his territory and one of the officers shot the dog…twice, in front of the girl. The Harris family then sued the police, starting a legal battle that went on for 11 years. After multiple trials, the city of Hartford has finally agreed to settle the case for $885,000.