Episode 18| Simon Sinek Best Selling Author of ‘Together is Better’

Radically Loved Radio | Yoga + Meditation | Health Coaching | Mindful Living show

Summary: Simon Sinek has inspired millions of people around the world. In fact, his TED Talk is the 3d most viewed ever. He is an incredible human being and I am so excited to share with you our conversation. We talk balance, meditation, and really being present in today’s age. What Simon shared about being present left a lasting impression. It’s so much more than being present on the mat. It’s about our interaction with other people. Also, LISTEN to hear how you can get a FREE copy of his latest book “Together Is Better” Radically Curious Simon Sinek The theme to Simon’s work--we are social beings and we need each other Creating a completely human experience to show together is better How he was inspired by children’s books in his latest bestseller Adding the smell of optimism into “Together is Better” Why he’s proud his book can’t be enjoyed the same way in a digital form Recovery from technology addiction to find presence and balance Radically Inspired Clarity It’s all about balance. Food is not bad for you, but if you eat too much of it, it’s bad for you. The same goes for social media. Human relationships are built on engagement and you aren’t present when you’re on your phones. You don’t decide that you’re present. You’re not present until you make someone else feel like they matter in your life. That’s where true fulfillment comes. Some people can only see the wall and some people can only see what’s on the other side of the wall. Simon Sinek Answers… Do you need to know where you’re going? When we are struggling in life, can we ask for help? Are we capable of actually being in the moment? Radically Loved Quotes “Leadership is not about the crown you wear, it’s about the person you are.” “Inspiration is a spark. It’s the energy we find to do something bigger than ourselves.” “I would rather wake up in the world and be inspired and inspire others than be motivated and motivate others.” “When we work hard for things we don’t care about, that’s called stress. When we work hard for things we do care about, that’s passion.” “If you have no energy, how can you be there for others?” A Little More About Our Guest... Simon Sinek sparked a movement with his bestsellers START WITH WHY and LEADERS EAT LAST. Now this beautifully illustrated book will inspire more readers to ask for help, help others, and discover their own courage through a charming story about change. Simon Sinek is an optimist. He teaches leaders and organizations how to inspire people. From members of Congress to foreign ambassadors, from small businesses to corporations like Microsoft and 3M, from Hollywood to the Pentagon, he has presented his ideas about the power of why. He has written two books, Leaders Eat Last and Start With Why and is quoted frequently by national publications. Sinek also regularly shares 140 characters of inspiration on Twitter (@simonsinek). Simon was really insightful to how and why we will go farther together, what a great interview. We talked about what being ‘present’ really means. To purchase his book and check out ‘Start With Why’ to find your purpose click here for more information: www.startwithwhy.com Be sure to subscribe to our weekly Radically Loved Updates and listen on iTunes to make sure you never miss an episode!