Episode 35| Radically WOKE. with Eka Ekong

Radically Loved Radio | Yoga + Meditation | Health Coaching | Mindful Living show

Summary: Eka Ekong is an internationally renowned yoga teacher and teacher trainer. She’s led yoga retreats and workshops around the world. Eka is a close friend of mine who has inspired me so much. The energy that Eka brings into the room at a yoga class made me want to create that energy and experience in my classes, and that’s just the beginning of how she’s inspired me. With the recently launched Woke Magazine, Eka added Editor in Chief to her resume. I am thrilled to contribute to Woke Magazine and help her bring wellness to a diverse community. In this episode we talk about the importance of the practice, working with a teacher, Eka’s journey and past career. We talk about everything, and I would love to hear your thoughts on our conversation. Radically Woke Eka Circling around the idea of, ‘Why am I here?’ Seeing yoga change her famous employer, and trying it for herself Reluctantly becoming a yoga teacher after taking teaching training simply to learn Creating Woke Magazine to bring wellness to people of color Radically Inspired Clarity The practice comes to you. It may be quiet, but it will come and change you. If you’re teaching 15-20 yoga classes a week, your energy changes. If you’re not able to be present, things start to become robotic. What is your intention as a yoga teacher? Do you just want to be in front of a class or do you want to provide a space for your students? If you want to teach, you need to learn first. Stop rushing to get your certification and get clear on your stuff. Eka Ekong Answers… How and when did you decide to become a yoga teacher? How do you keep the integrity of your yoga teaching? How can we bring our yoga off the mat? Radically Loved Quotes “It’s like you’re bumbling along in the dark and someone gives you a flashlight.” “The practice has its own ideas and it will change you.” “The integrity in how you teach comes through your integrity as a person.” “How you live your life is your message.” A Little More About Our Guest When yoga found Eka Ekong, she was just out of college and working in the music industry. Burning herself out, climbing the ladder of “success”, Eka was introduced to yoga. After her first Savasana, something deep inside of her finally exhaled. She felt more embodied, capable and clear. She then practiced as much as she could, taking class at every opportunity. She began to have more sustained moments of grace and understanding of her purpose. Her yoga practice naturally led her to a different career, reshaped her relationships, and helped her find her voice. Yoga has helped Eka know the truth of who she is. It has been her companion through sadness, indecision, joyful and peaceful times. The more she practices, the more she connects to her spirit and remembers the interconnection of all of us. Find more at www.ekaekong.com and www.wearewoke.com/the-magazine