18 – Top Tips to Help You Beat Stress and Conceive

PCOS Diva show

Summary: <div class="uk-article-title">Got stress?  Trying to conceive? Dr. Maizes, respected educator, doctor of integrated medicine and author of <em>Be Fruitful: The Essential Guide to Maximizing Fertility and Giving Birth to a Healthy Child</em><em> recently sat down with me to discuss stress and its impact on women with PCOS, particularly those trying to conceive. During our 45 minute interview, she made clear the link between fertility and stress as well as provided some excellent, easy to use advice and coping strategies. </em> </div> <p><em>Listen in and hear about:</em></p> <ul> <li>7 Tried and True Relaxation Techniques</li> <li>The link between stress, your hormones and fertility</li> <li>Managing stress and well-being with Chinese medicine and Ayurveda</li> <li>Preconception care and the “Fetal Origins Hypothesis”</li> </ul>